"The best reward is to see people enjoy their training."

I was 4 years old when I started taking my first dance classes: Jazz, then Ballet and years later Hip Hop. In between, I practised Shaolin Kung-Fu, Tai Chi and kickboxing. Even though I loved to kick ass, I always returned to my first love. I guess I missed the music too much. We trained for hours to be able to perform for a couple of minutes on stage. But those minutes were everything... It was the only moment where I was able to let go and think of nothing else. You see, I am totally in my comfort zone when I'm on stage, in front of a group of people - the bigger, the better - while the beats are hitting the eardrums. 

Coincidently, I got in touch with aerobics group lessons and I was given the chance to do some replacements here and there. It gave me the same feeling like when I used to dance. That's where my Fitness Group Instructor journey started and I'm hooked ever since. The best reward is to see people enjoy their training while sweating their asses off and leaving your class with a smile on their face. That's why I do it, that's why I love it!


Facts about me

favorite food

I love everything!

secret talent

Eating... A lot!


Visiting every restaurant
wherever I go!



guilty pleasure

The bakery in town


To eat at the best restaurant in the world

"I don't just teach,
                 I entertain."

let's connect

I love to connect


